Lowest Price Ever!
$1500 OFF

BeVITAL Wellness Center is the #1 Emsculpt provider in and around New Jersey. Call 1-833 SO-VITAL to book an appointment today.

Do not miss out on $1500 off.
This coupon expires on 12/25/20. Offer valid if booked prior to this date.

    The EMSCULPT is the only procedure to help both women and men build muscle and sculpt their body. In addition, the EMSCULPT creates the world’s first non-invasive buttock toning procedure.

    Almost everyone is eligible for the EMSCULPT procedure. Contact us for more information and book an appointment today.

    Each treatment varies from person to person. At BeVITAL Wellness Center, we create a tailored plan to suit your needs and help you achieve the body of your dreams. Usually, each treatment lasts for 30 minutes with a minimum of 4 sessions scheduled 2-3 days apart.

    Even though you do not actually workout during the EMSCULPT procedure, it definitely feels like an intensive workout session. However, you can lay down and relax during the treatment and let the machine do its job.

    EMSCULPT is a non-invasive procedure and so, there is no recovery time. Also, there is no work required pre/post treatment. You can even schedule a procedure in between meetings or during lunch hours.

    You will feel results right after the treatment. However, give the treatment at least two weeks to see visible results. Usually, you will see results after two to four weeks of the last treatment and there will be significant improvements over several weeks after the completion of the treatment.